Sermons by Jim Garrett

8190 of 199 items

Romans Series – Grace is a Gift, Not a Wage


As we move into we see Paul laying out the encouragement that we can fully rely on faith for our salvation.  The struggle is real to grasp the full truth of faith alone.  Many cannot accept something for nothing.  But Paul shows us that we can rest in the truth of something (God’s grace given […]

Romans Series – The Judge Paid Our Costs


As we continue to look through Romans, we are going to see Paul address those who ask what are the requirements to salvation.  We live in a world where there are churches who ask people to jump through hoops to be saved.  Where one church has one set of requirements and another has a different […]

The Cross


Think about the need of coming to the cross.  Paul understood the dilemma.  To the Jew it was a shameful thing to be executed in that way.  To the Gentile it was foolishness.  The word closely translates to craziness.  We are in the midst of the Olympic Games.  Have you ever thought whether someone will […]

God Judges the Secrets of Men by Jesus Christ


To look back in our conversation, we saw in the proclamation of God’s truth.  And we see a very familiar situation where unbelievers will reject God, and will instead begin to worship the creation over the creator.  But then in , we see the dangerous situation of believers relying on self-righteousness. That we can somehow […]

Romans Series – God’s Love and Wrath


When we looked at the first 17 verses of Romans, we see Paul declaring the truth of the Gospel.  Prior to Paul’s letter, the Jews had been exiled from Rome. So many of the Christian’s would probably have been gentiles. As we move into the next part of Romans, we run into something that our culture […]

Romans Series – The Righteous Will Live By Faith


We continue with our exploration through Paul’s letter to the Romans.  We saw last week that Paul began his letter with the affirmation that Jesus is the Messiah, and referring to the Old Testament promise of God’s promise to point to Jesus, and that invitation calls everyone to Him. A recently presented documentary regarding a […]

New Series on Addressing Our Changing World


For the last few weeks we have been looking at change.  And much of this has been on individual change.  God’s change in us is a work in progress.  We apply the standard of God’s word, we find where we don’t line up, correction is applied, and we continue to work to be more in […]

Change Series – Disciplined Training


So we have covered three aspects of individual change.  First that Scripture is the basis of the truth in our lives.  Secondly, we saw conviction as a way to guide us in the right direction.  And then thirdly, is of correction to move out of conviction and toward God’s purpose.  We will end this discussion […]

Change Series – Correction


So as we continue to look at change, we will find ourselves looking back and think, “What was I thinking?” And sometimes we think, “God, what where you thinking?” We will continue to look at as we continue looking at change. We have seen in past weeks a couple of life principles. First that the […]

Change Series – Rebuke, Conviction, and Repentance


As we continue to talk about individual change, we ask ourselves when that change occurs.  Sometimes we don’t know when that change is happening.  Sometimes we are aware.  The Bible gives imagery that we are like clay in the hands of God allowing him to mold us.  Last week we looked at the standards that […]