Sermons by Jim Garrett

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Study of 1 John – Introduction – Eternal Life in Jesus


Today we are going into a new study of 1 John. When I look into a new study like this, I want to first read through the letter. And as I read through, it is interesting that the things relevant to the readers then is very relevant now.  John speaks to us that if we are […]

Unity and Diversity Series – Conclusion


Next week we will start a new series working through the book of 1 John. So as we finish our series on Unity and Diversity, I want to have a final conversation on our triangle of unity.  Please note that this is a core philosophy of ministry here at First Brethren. The bottom three segments […]

Unity and Diversity Series – Diversity in Preferences and Practices


As we look at the pyramid of unity, we have covered the bottom three foundational areas that define unity.  We have to be together and unified around the person of Jesus, the authority of the Bible, and God’s principles. Today we begin discussing the top two sections of the pyramid.  And these two areas are […]

Unity and Diversity Series – Principles or Principals?


Last week we looked at the authority of the Bible.  The evidence from history, archeology, and other disciplines all uphold the reality of the Bible.  So as we move forward sure of the authority of the Bible, we move into the application of the Bible.  There is what the Bible says, and then there is how […]

Unity and Diversity Series – Truth of the Bible


We continue with our unity and diversity series.  Below is the triangle that we are using in our study. So we have looked in the last couple of weeks to the person of Jesus, we now move into the authority that provides the details of who Jesus is.  The Bible is our central authority, and […]

Unity and Diversity – Jesus is the Cornerstone


In the next few weeks, we will continue our discussion of Unity and Diversity.  Each week we will first look at our pyramid of Unity and Diversity. In this pyramid, unity should be found in the bottom three layers first with the foundation of the Person of Jesus.  Last week we started to lay the […]

Unity and Diversity – Person of Jesus [New Series]


We are moving into a new discussion that will focus on the idea of “Unity and Diversity.”  To represent this, we will have a diagram that will assist us in visually understand the concepts we are going to discuss. The concepts we will discuss are the foundation of our ministry.  This pyramid gives us a […]

Roman Series – Worship Unashamed


If you were asked to describe Romans in one sentence, you would have a hard time.  Paul covered a lot of ground.  But in a world, then and now, that lives disconnected with God, Paul directs us to live life for God. Paul said this early on.  He said, “For I am not ashamed of […]

Romans Series – Warning of Those Who Divide


As we begin to wrap up our study of Romans, we are going to see instruction from Paul that isn’t just relevant but is absolutely essential to the health of God’s church.  There are those who think it their job to cause division. Paul is talking about the previous teaching in this letter, but he is […]

Romans Series – Greet One Another and Walk Together


As we finish up our study of Romans, we will study .  We will handle this a little differently.  As Paul wraps up his letter, he will mention 16 different people.  We are not going to cover each person mentioned, but the context that he mentions them gives us some insight into the time and […]