Sermons by Jim Garrett

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Faith Beyond Description


When Paul speaks to the Romans, he portrays his relationship with Jesus.  And while we might all be in different things, or be in different situations, each of us should move towards the same relationship to God through Jesus.  Paul addresses Paul ends his letter to the Romans by saying that he does not care […]

If Jesus saved Paul, He can save anyone


We know Paul as this theological giant, through his letters and his influence.  But if we go back into Paul’s history, we find out he once wasn’t a very good guy.  We read of his persecution of early Christians.  We read that he held the coats of those who stoned Stephen in Acts.  This leads […]

Struggle, Strength, and Sustained Unity


When things are rough, we find value in the community we are connected with.  Paul gives us an illustration of each person in unity, with individuality, by comparing it to the operation of the human body.  We can see the connected nature of the human body when we see an athlete have an injury.  Even […]

Build on One Another


Unity becomes the outcome of staying connected and allowing God to work through us. Jesus is the only one who can give authority.  Paul wants us to understand here that he, Jesus, himself gave authority to apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.  We are to realize that these leaders are to equip us to go […]

Unity vs. Uniformity


We are going to think about the difference between unity and uniformity.  Because many times, we find ourselves trying to be uniform and calling it unity. If we think about a professional football team, what would it take to be in unity on that team?  A uniform?  Strength?  Football skill?  Are there those who don’t […]

On Lord, One Faith, One Baptism


We are continuing our discussion regarding the Triangle of Unity.  Unity based in Jesus, but realizing that we are not independent or self-sufficent.  We are dependent and our sufficiency is in Christ alone.  It is tough in this world to give up our self-defined independence. This prophetic chapter in Psalm describes those who are going […]

Unity in Jesus Christ


A couple of weeks ago we looked at the triangle of unity when it comes to community.  We can describe this as “being on the same page” with each other.  Have you ever been a part of a conversation where you are on different pages with another person?  It is both frustrating and debilitating in […]

Triangle of Unity


We are to be united, but we also need to allow for the God-given diversity among us.  But we sometimes get those areas turned around.  We try to force sameness in the diversity among us. We see many references where the writers of the Bible describe us as buildings and structures of God.  We can […]

Responding to New Tolerance


We have been looking at how we are to respond, as Christians, to respond to the world and the new tolerance. Two lies that are told with new tolerance. Lie #1. New tolerant people is a better person most of the time, and an intolerant person is a bad person. It is God’s will that […]

Old Tolerance, New Tolerance


When we begin to go out in the world, the world is going to try to get us to conform to their beliefs.  But we cannot do that.  That is why during our discussion, we see that we must first look at ourselves to make sure we are secure in God’s principles before we go […]