Sermons by Jim Garrett

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Be a Blessing in the Face of Evil


As we move forward in 1 Peter, we see Peter start to address the pain and suffering that we see the world living in. As Peter talks about being like-minded, sympathetic, love one another, compassionate, and humble, he is speaking for us to BE this.  Not just say the words, but make them a part […]

Godly Wives and Husbands


Sometimes we can find ourselves asking, “Why are we reading letters written to people almost 2000 years ago? What does it have to do with me?”  But the more we look at the truth written by Peter and others, we more and more find that those principles are timeless. That it was relevant then, and […]

Living for God in Suffering


In , we see Peter foresee a problem.  He anticipates the question on what to do when Christians receive unjust treatment or suffering from others. But Peter then follows in that it is commendable to bear up under pain and suffering.  It comes out of living in God’s truth, and knowing that we are doing […]

Godly Conviction in the World


So Peter has given us a way to live to live up to the sacrifice of Jesus in .  He is now going to move on to discuss the challenges that will have in living out that Christian life in the world. As foreigners and exiles, we are people who now have a heavenly home. […]

Living Stone


Peter wrote to the five districts of Asia Minor in his writings.  And in his writings he talks about the absolute need to accept Jesus for who he is.  But the world has trouble accepting Jesus and instead rejects him.  What is interesting is that Peter would take his reader back to God’s promises found […]

Your Ransom Is Paid


As we look at this last section of , we will see how we are taken out of the slavery of sin.  Peter is not only saying that Jesus just removes the demands of that slavery, but that he is the ransom paying for our freedom. We either we know God as Father because we accept […]



We continue our thinking of last week as we begin to at the transformation of our lives through God’s grace. Paul wants people to think of their lives as sacrifices.  A reflection of Jesus’ sacrifice.  By doing so, we reflect our love to the Father.  That our lives can be seen as holy and pleasing to […]

Self Controlled and Sober Minded


We were going to continue our discussion of Peter’s letter.  We were going to talk about the freedom given by the blood of the lamb.  That freedom is defined by God.  But some just get it backwards, where we try to define freedom and then try to push that on God.  But instead I feel […]

CSI: Jesus on the Scene


As we continue to read in Peter’s letter, we see him being to explore our intentional actions and belief’s regarding God’s salvation through Jesus. Peter lays out how salvation was being explored.  When Peter speaks that the prophets “searched intently” he is speaking of a process of intense exploration.  Much like a 1st century CSI […]

A Living Hope


It was common in the first century of what the Jews expected of the Messiah.  They expected a Superman-like person who would come to free them from earthly bonds.  Peter confronted these misconceptions with people wherever he went. When we look at the language that Peter uses at the beginning of this letter.  He refers to God […]