Sermons by Jim Garrett

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Humble Yourselves


Sometimes we have to regroup ourselves to reconnect with God’s purpose.  That we humble ourselves to God.  If we don’t, we allow ourselves or the world to start to define humility and our disobedience will begin to grow.  Humility means an absence of pride.  We aren’t to say that we know better than God, that […]

Shepherds and Humble Relationships


As we move into today, we look at the people who Peter is addressing in this letter.  And then and now, people are evaluating how we are going to be grounded in Jesus but still be involved in culture.  Peter will speak directly to the elders, and will begin to address some of the questions […]

Faith Refined by Suffering


As we move deeper into 1 Peter, we see where Peter reminds his readers multiple times that events might happen in a way that we don’t want them to happen.  He emphasizes that we then have to focus on being intentional in our though processes.  How are we to be grounded?  How should we focus our […]

Preparing Our Minds for Action


As we have read through 1 Peter, we reached where we looked at the three areas that define us: someone who prays, .  And the history of the world is pointing towards God’s purpose and plan completion. We are going to take a look at two words in this verse that relate to prayer.  To be […]

God Glorified Through Us – Part 1


This morning we are going to review where we have covered through 1 Peter.  We will then get a running start into . Throughout what we have covered, we see how God is changing and forming his people.  That he is preparing us to be in the world, but the world will with be foreign. […]

Hold Tight to God’s Will in Suffering


Up to this point we have discussed the various principles that are timeless.  They were relevant 2000 year ago just as the do now.  As we move into , we know that the people that Peter is speaking to did have a high level of persecution.  They were probably asking questions of why they were […]

In Remembrance


When we think about how to remember something, what comes to our minds?  Tie a string around a finger?  Maybe using mnemonic?   When Jesus was talking with his disciples in the last supper, as he took them through the first communion, he emphasized for them to remember. Paul revisits the night of the last […]

Jesus’ Sacrifice, Our Surrender


As we move into the next passage of Peter’s letter, we must remember that Peter was not only writing to the people of his time, but he also had us in mind.  The world today tries to portray the Bible as antiquated and not relevant today.  But God’s word is adequate today just as it […]

Don’t Be Afraid, Live for Christ


It is interesting that even though 2000 years separate us from those Peter is addressing in 1 Peter, we can see that they struggled in the same way that we do.  Society has certainly changed, but the deeper struggles are just as relevant as they were then.  And God’s Word and truth can speak into […]

Baptism and Being Born Again


It is interesting to see Jesus interact with people.  Some of the most interesting interactions are with the religious leaders of his day.  Many times we see him critical of them.  That they should know of who he is, know of his position as the son of God, and should be leading people to bow […]