Sermons by Jim Garrett

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The Mirror of God’s Vision


We have been having great discussions on God’s vision and asking questions on how that plays out in our daily lives.  What we find is that as we focus on Jesus, it protects us from the dangers around us.  But if we don’t focus on Jesus, it will be those things around us that will […]

Shining God’s Glory


How many of us that wear glasses that if we were to be without them we would be unable to see effectively the world around us?  We take being able to see clearly for granted sometimes.  Our vision in life can be the same.  We have to be very intentional about our vision. We see […]

Finding Our Vision


As we continue to seek God’s vision for us, we have to ask ourselves, “What is going on in the world around us? And how are we to respond to those events?”  And then we can then take that to a personal level and seek those situations around us in our homes, our jobs, and […]

Jesus’ Commission


It was Helen Keller that was once asked if there was anything worse than being born without physical sight.  She responded that it would be worse to be born with physical sight but not have vision.  We continue to look at how vision played an important part of Paul’s life.  Jesus stopped Paul on the […]

God’s Vision for Your Life


How many of us enjoy the tasks of New Year resolutions?  Probably not many.  So what is it about it that makes us not like to do them?  Maybe it is because the improvements are dull.  Maybe we don’t want to change, just stay the same.  Maybe it requires us to focus on those areas […]

Being Trained by Grace


When we look at the grace between the old and new testament, we do see a difference in the relationship between God and his people.  In the Old Testament, we see God giving grace to those who are his people.  But in the New Testament, we see God bestow his grace to those who might […]

We are Weak, We are Strong


As I reflect on last weeks study that Jesus is the grace of God, and adding in our study of 1 Peter, it is revealed to us the awesomeness of God, but also the suffering in a lost world.  Grace is God’s unmerited favor, something that we don’t deserve. It also includes the God-given desire and […]

Grace Upon Grace


I would like to set a scene.  We find four people at the foot of the cross.  The first three are not followers of Jesus:  a Roman soldier, a Pharisee, and a widow.  The fourth is a disciple of Jesus.  We are going to look at the perspectives of each of these.  They each will […]

God’s Grace


After going through Peter’s letter, we see his description of God’s grace that is unique.  Not only what that grace is, but in our role as stewards of God’s grace.  In we are told to be faithful stewards of God’s grace because each of our own gifts are conduits of grace in every situation we […]

Live in God’s Grace and Walk by Faith


We come upon the conclusion of Peter’s letter today.  Unlike Paul’s letters, Peter will finish quickly.  As we finish up this letter, the two elements that come into play as a positive response to the suffering that he has talked about is God’s grace and our faith.  That they work in concert where we can […]