So as we continue to look at change, we will find ourselves looking back and think, “What was I thinking?” And sometimes we think, “God, what where you thinking?” We will continue to look at as we continue looking at change.
We have seen in past weeks a couple of life principles. First that the Scriptures are the source of knowledge to teach us. The second is that of conviction to guide us in the right direction. Many times though, the conviction could be more than just the individual sin at the time. It could be speaking towards a larger issue. This can be compared with someone with an addition. Sometimes the addiction is only the symptom of a deeper issue.
The third principle is that of correction. The literal meaning is to be restored to the upright position. This word isn’t used anywhere else in the Bible. In this context we are speaking about restoring us to a correct place. This goes beyond the individual sin, and points towards getting all of our lives in order.
In Peter’s story, we know that he betrayed Jesus and denied he knew Jesus three times. In John we read the story of when Jesus comes to the disciples in a fishing boat. When they recognized Jesus, Peter ran to his Lord. And we learn in that breakfast conversation, that Jesus asked Peter if Peter loved him. And we see how Jesus didn’t scold, he didn’t sit and dwelled on the rebuke of denying him. But we see him moving forward in correction. He never drops you off at conviction, but will move you forward in correction.
Correction means we are taking God at His word, and moving forward with Him. And that can be hard. Sometimes that might mean that all we know is the salvation we are given and not knowing where the road is leading. It mean trusting when we have no information what that trust will bring us. To try to get correction without first being convicted, it is a mistake. Guilt and conviction awakens us to the salvation and grace we don’t deserve but is given freely.
Make this your devotion this week. We want to know God’s truth to speak into our lives. While we don’t enjoy conviction, we welcome it knowing we are moving toward correction. And we look forward to how God is going to move us into an upright position.
16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. (ESV)
16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. (ESV)